dj marika rossa bio


DJ Marika Rossa. Коробочка с динамитом Помните сцену из Léon: The Professional, в которой коварная Матильда, заклеив жвачкой глазок, стучится в дверь и жалобно умоляет спасти ее от опасных типов? Вот и при виде этой миниатюрной девушки мало кому придет в голову ждать подвоха. А зря. Потому что она вдруг включается на полную мощность и начинает[…]

highway records


Московский лейбл Highway Records был основан в 2008 году Майком Спиритом (Mike Spirit) и вот уже 7 лет успешно занимается тем, что строит мост между российской и зарубежной электронными сценами, помогая нашим артистам найти дорогу к иностранной аудитории и наоборот. Конвергенция и коллаборация — вот два ключевых слова, дающих исчерпывающее описание миссии и философии лейбла.[…]


Вот уже почти 3 года московский лейбл с интригующим названием What’s In The Box? (‘Что в коробке?’), как фокусник кролика, извлекает из своей загадочной коробки отличный саунд и интересных артистов. Созданный в своей время как саблейбл Highway Records, What’s In The Box? фокусируется на мелодичном актуальном deep house и nu disco звучании и на продвижении[…]

ketama records


Ketama Records — российский виниловый и цифровой лейбл, основанный в 2011 году легендарным московском кафе Ketama. Формат лейбла тесно связан с форматом заведения и выпускает музыку от лучших российских и зарубежных продюсеров, работающих в таких жанрах как downtempo, chillout, leftfield и ambient. На протяжении целого десятилетия кафе Ketama было штабквартирой downtempo культуры в России —[…]

dj veronika fleita bio


DJ Fleyta. Двойная жизнь Вероники Если вы увидите в афишах или услышите от знакомых имя Dj Veronika Fleyta, не спешите думать, что это очередной вычурный псевдоним очередной претенциозной девушки-диджея. История, приведшая Веронику Флейту к профессиональному диджеингу,  — совершенно не претенциозна, проста, но по-своему удивительна. Одна из тысяч красивых москвичек, Вероника сделала неплохую модельную карьеру и[…]

The Cruising cover image


The Cruising — Turn Day On Music pieces by The Cruising duo are not that easy to identify, both style- and time-wise. Funky vibes of the 1970s and 1980s are generously mixed with techno sound and peppered with unconventional live instruments, vocals and flirting with rock. Throw in ambitions of new genre creators, and you[…]

plan b

PLAN B FEST | 2016

PLAN B Festival of Social Innovations and New Music The main, pretty obvious, idea behind this name is the idea of unkillable optimism: whatever happens, do not give up. For there is always a solution for every problem, there’s always an exit, a perspective from which the glass is always half full, there is always[…]

touch festival logo

TOUCH | 2016

LOVE AT FIRST TOUCH TOUCH is conceived as an international interdisciplinary project with wide genre range (music, dance, cinema, video-art, fashion, performance art, etc) mixed with social activism and socially meaningful actions. We probably wouldn’t mind to arrange something as ambitious as a ‘cultural revolution’, but what we don’t really like about this notion is radicality[…]


The true story behind these 3 brand ID videos is: we didn’t have a web site (was under construction), we didn’t have time, but we had a FB page and a 3D-model of our brand stone partly done — so we decided not to wait and use it for building expectations and escalating the intrigue.The communicative mission of the[…]

Gem fest logo

GEM FEST | 2015

Dancing On The Cutting Edge When we were creating the concept for GEM Fest, we wanted to embellish it with as many different meanings and connotations as possible, just as the rather long-winded full title of the Georgian Electronic Music Festival contains the word ‘gem’ in its name: a precious stone, hidden away in an[…]

ostrov festival

OSTROV | 2014

The Dancing Heart of Kiev The annual summer electronic music festival OSTROV is being held in the city centre of Kiev (Ukraine), at the Trukhanov Ostrov (‘island’ in Ukrainian) in the Dnepr river. The 2d OSTROV 2014 had been preparing in a pretty difficult context — Crimea’s annexation, the civic war at Donbass, the deep[…]

kazantip 22 website logo


Web site Patterns reflecting the key memes of the season Prints Stikers Banners for video wall (48m) Banners for the video deckhouse Movie theatre open air Credits: Mara Fauque — design, web-design, visual solutions, production management, content moderating, art-directing. Oleksandr Demianenko — photo, video directing, camera, cut, sound, movie fest curator. Masha Kuznetsova, Tanja Sharonova aka Freak Fabrique — installations,[…]

z21 logo


The Brand ID of 21th Kazantip was based on the ‘big bang’ concept. Font Personal plastic cards granting the right of multiple pass at the venue. Lineup poster Lineup billboards 6х3 m at the venue Line-up poster and line-up t-shirt T-shirts Lineup billboards Artists and meme posters for the light boxes Stickers The Opening Ceremony: The Big[…]


The twentieth, jubilee season of The Kazantip Republic was marked by a documentary series titled ’20 Years Of Our Era’, which became a tagline of the project. It was also embodied in the opening credits of all the short movies produced that year, in the brand ID and the main stage’s decoration. Viza, a personal plastic multi[…]


‘New York City officially passes bill to create a nightlife office. There will also be a ‘nightlife director,’ whose position is similar to the ‘night czar’ or ‘night mayor’ position in other cities. Their main goal is to advocate for the city’s nightlife by serving as a point of contact between the city and those[…]

z19 kazantip 2011 logo


It was a long-time tradition of The Kazantip Republic to have a new brand ID—font, logo, slogan—every year along with a new season’s theme. Changing a well-known and recognizable for something fresh and unknown used to complicate our life a bit, but, luckily, after a few years of such re-dressing we could afford it and it prevented us[…]

Summit on Mars logo


II Summit On Mars was a 3-day conference dedicated to festival events, advanced marketing and social technologies. It was taking place at the territory of Kazantip traditionally called Mars, with the participation of international speakers well known in the industry—owners of music festivals, awards, publishing labels; representatives of major companies and media. Logo Merchandising Press[…]

Kazantip | Live on Mars logo


Live On Mars was a subproject of The Kazantip Republic — a festival of live music within an electronic festival, a 4-5 night program taking place at a special live stage. During several years it had not just been giving the young talented bands from Russia and Ukraine a powerful boost, but also introducing to[…]


It’s known that crowdsourcing is not necessarily a feature of low budget projects, but one of the greatest marketing tools and truly a ‘creative communication’ — creative on both sides, a project’s and the audience’s. For a music and art festival like the Kazantip Republic it’s, in a way, a must have. For it allows[…]



How we won Ibiza Between 24-29th May 2011 Ibiza hosted the 4th International Music Summit where the Republic was taking part as a speaker. KAZANTIP IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK was the subject of our talk, because, first off, we meant to explain plainly that Kazantip is not a festival. During the performance the reps of[…]


‘Like anyone else I hear the inner voice. Sometimes two.’ ‘Sometimes2’, the series of meditative and thoughtful micro-videos from Nikola Frantzevich Film Studio, got its name from a humorous sentence belonging to the President — ‘Like anyone else I hear the inner voice. Sometimes two.’ Created in a genre of art-documentary, these shorts reflect our[…]

казантип скворечники


Logo Stickers Viza, a plastic multi-pass Kazantip 2010. Mental Asylum The main theme of the season 2010 was a self-ironic idea of our own abnormally. While for its citizens Kazantip Republic was a perfect alternative realm with fair and kind rules, for the rest of the world it seemed to be a grand illusion or even ‘delusion’,[…]


The Kazantip Republic Presents Nikola Frantzevich Movie Studio The Кazantipian Movie Studio n.a. Nikola Frantsevich was founded in 2010 as the embodiment of long-lasting cinematographic ambitions of the Republic. Not that the Republic had longed to become a new Bollywood, but it would have been silly and thriftless not to use the richness of nature and[…]

желтый чемодан Z спящий мальчик


The Kazantip Republic through the eyes of normal people When it comes to what other, relatively more normal people think of our imaginary world, it’s a big international annual club culture festival held in summer at the Black Sea coast of Crimea, Ukraine (Russia’s neighboring, ex-USSR country). It starts in late July and ends in[…]


What is Kazantip? Huh, as if we know the answer! We’ve been groping for it since 1992 and it’s still somewhere out there. We hope, you too couldn’t satisfy the most important question of your life ‘Who am I?’ in a few words. And we don’t mean your name or occupation. What we know for a[…]

боже храни эту странную дискотеру


  *Фильм Kazantip is not what you think (‘Казантип – это не то, что вы думаете’) был подготовлен специально для Ibiza Music Summit 2011. Здесь приведен полный текст фильма и видеообращения на русском языке, aнглийская версия здесь >>  Казантип – это не то, что вы думаете В нашем научно-популярном фильме мы постараемся познакомить вас с загадочным[…]

mookla kooqla Muse, different eyed


Brand legend and a concept of the debut album Electronic duo KOOQLA was born as a collaboration of two mature musicians — Nata Zhizhcnenko (Tomato Jaws, ONUKA , UA) and Artem Harchenko (R-Tem, TYOMA, RU), and they also had an intention to collaborate with a famous Russian puppet artist Polina Voloshina known by her iconic and unusual mooqla’ dolls. The task was to create[…]

kooqla - mute сказка о потерянном голосе


The story was created to present the new track Kooqla—Mute and prepare the audience for the vocalist Nata Zhizhchenko‘s leaving and the change of the project’s voice. While Nata announced her departure and Kooqla announced the casting for a new vocalist, Mute was supposed to be released in an instrumental version and become a silent[…]



The Fruit Of Imagination. The concept of the 2d album Longtime collaboration with the Russian DJ and producer Artem Harchenko (known as R-Tem and TYOMA) continued in the concept for the 2d album of his vocal electronic project Kooqla – FRUIT. The album got its name after the eponymous single, but the fruit topic was developed; for the[…]

Kooqla R-TEM Артем Харченко кукла Муза


Буклет-вкладыш диска Kooqla – Paranormal должен был состоять из 10 историй иллюстрированных комиксами, связанных с каждой песней. Когда все это случилось Жизнь полна таких моментов, когда – если даже кажется, что ничего не происходит – что-то происходит все равно. Какое-то «вдруг» или «однажды». Что-то попало в поле зрения, кто-то сказал слово – что-то щелкнуло и история[…]

MYMAP.GE | 2016

MyMap.Ge APP was designed for a Georgian publisher — entirely, starting with the logo. Мумap.Ge is a directory of organisations, a navigator with traffic and radar detector. Standard maps, satellite images, terrain and hybrid maps combined with company directory with addresses, phone numbers, etc. Navigator with the construction of the route, distance calculation and arrival[…]

Gem fest logo

GEM FEST | 2015

Web site for GEM festival (Georgia). Web design, html coding, programming, tech support, administrating, copywriting and content management. (*the client redesigned it later and now it looks different). The entire case >>  


After stunning success of Something Of An Anthem in the previous year, Government Garage Band decided to repeat it and create another Official Anthem Video. The concept chosen for that epic in its absurdism project was super-heroic and supernatural origin of The Kazantip’s Government. The story originates in another brand legend, ‘Faith in Miracles’, which had[…]

Kazantip fast married plastic certificate


The concept of Fast Married made up back in 2003 was the development of the concept of the Kazantip Republic — if there’s a state and a constitution, there is also an institute of love and marriage that is meant to be regulated somehow. Since the Kazantip Republic was a realized utopia, an imaginary land striving for more beautiful[…]